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WMT manuals provide a one-stop source for ship technical information and operating procedures in a user friendly format, highly valued by ship staff.

Our high quality manuals are an essential tool for officers, cadets and ratings – whether they are long serving members on board or have newly joined.

Shore based management also benefit from the manuals when it becomes necessary to communicate with the vessel when addressing system and equipment technical issues.

As part of our process we verify systems and equipment on board for accuracy, click here to find out more about our Systems Verification Surveys.


Our Vessel Operating Manual


Cargo Systems Operating Manuals​

  • LNGC, VLEC, LPG Carriers​
  • Oil and Chemical Tankers​
  • Dry Cargo and Containers
  • Offshore Supply Vessels (OSVs)

Our cargo manuals cover all aspects of cargo operations and associated equipment. Each section makes use of detailed illustrations and photographs of the equipment taken during visits to the vessel, where applicable.

WMT operating manual sample.

Cargo System Description

Design concept and capacity of the vessel. Detailed information on the use of the essential equipment used in loading and discharging cargo and maintaining the cargo tanks in a safe inert condition.​

Cargo Handling Procedures​

Detailed description of cargo operations. Ship-specific examples and flow diagrams of loading, discharging, ballasting, tank cleaning, gas freeing, warming-up, cooling-down, etc.

Cargo Control Systems​

Detailed information on the use of all equipment in the Cargo Control Room, the cargo control systems, cargo tank instrumentation and cargo sampling equipment.



LNG Bunkering Manuals

LNG bunkering manuals cover all aspects of LNG transfer between the LNG bunkering facility, barge or vessel and the operations and associated equipment.

Detailed information including reference illustrations on the type of containment system and technology including rules and regulations are covered.

Each section makes use of detailed illustrations and photographs of the equipment taken during visits to the vessel, where applicable.​

WMT operating manual sample.

Design Concept of the Vessel​

Design concept and capacity of the vessel. Detailed information on the use of the essential equipment used in loading and discharging cargo and maintaining the cargo tanks in a safe inert condition.


The safety section covers qualifications and training, hazards and precautions, bunkering prerequisites and emergency shutdown and control systems.​

LNG Bunkering Operations​

Detailed description of LNG bunkering operations. Ship-specific examples and flow diagrams of bunker lines cool down, bunker tank inerting, warm-up, aeration, drying, cool-down and transfer between bunker tanks.​

Emergency Operations​

This section covers contingency planning and emergency operations such as LNG leakage, fire, injury and communications failure.



Machinery Systems Operating Manuals​

The machinery manual covers the mechanical and auxiliary systems in the engine room. Each section makes use of detailed illustrations and photographs of the equipment taken during visits to the vessel, where applicable.​

WMT operating manual sample.

Section 1: Machinery Operational Overview

Detailed arrangement drawings of the engine room and all auxiliary machinery spaces. Flow charts aid in the commissioning of the vessel from varying states of readiness

Section 2: Main Engine and Auxiliary Systems​

Operation of all mechanical and electrical systems used throughout the ship. Covering all aspects from the main engines, boilers and auxiliary systems through to power generation and distribution. All equipment particulars and capacities are provided in each section. Piping diagrams and illustrations are used to assist with understanding the systems.

Section 3: Machinery Control Systems

Detailed information on the control systems used in the control room and machinery spaces. This section also details extension alarm systems and procedures for switching the engine room to unmanned duty.

Section 4: Emergency Systems​

Comprehensive information on the emergency systems covering in the machinery spaces. This includes systems such as the fire main, fire extinguishers, foam, hi-fog and CO2 installations. Fire detection systems and emergency quick closing valves are also covered.

Section 5: Emergency Procedures

Emergency procedures such as main engine operation and emergency steering of the vessel. Procedures in the event of an emergencies such as flooding are also covered.



Bridge Systems Operating Manuals

The Bridge Systems Operating Manual provides a vessel-specific reference document for a all navigational systems and can also include deck equipment. Each section makes use of detailed illustrations and photographs of the equipment taken during visits to the vessel, where applicable.

WMT operating manual sample.

Section 1: Ship's Characteristics

Ship's principal and performance data and ship handling characteristics. The user is provided with comprehensive deck layouts as well as tank capacity plans.

Section 2: Bridge Layout and Equipment

Equipment layouts, system configuration diagrams and navigation system operating guides. GMDSS equipment and operation is also included in this section.

Section 3: Deck Equipment​

The layout and operation of the deck machinery. Information on all the main deck machinery including mooring arrangement, deck cranes and lifeboats launching arrangements.

Section 4: Emergency Systems and Procedures​

Procedures that should be adopted in a number of emergency situations, such as fire, flooding, man overboard etc.

Section 5: Miscellaneous Procedures

Teamwork is paramount on any vessel. Information is provided about bridge teamwork, procedures for a watch handover as well as watch-keeping, pilot boarding and helicopter operations.



SOLAS, LSA and FFE Training Manuals

We produce SOLAS manuals that are ship specific and high quality so that crew can easily understand and carry out all of the related SOLAS functions. SOLAS Manuals are split into sections detailing the following:

WMT operating manual sample.

  • Emergency instructions including muster details and emergency signals.
  • Emergency procedures if the vessel encounters an onboard emergency incident, such as a collision or grounding.
  • Ship’s safety systems and construction, detailing the built-in fire retarding and safety systems, including escape route plans for each deck.
  • Ship’s fire detection and fire fighting systems including details of breathing apparatus and portable extinguishers, including a full set of ship’s fire equipment plans.
  • All survival craft including a full description of the launching and retrieval procedures for each type of craft, mustering and embarkation procedures.
  • Survival equipment including lifejackets, immersion suits, pyrotechnics and survival techniques.
  • Emergency communication equipment including EPIRBs and SARTs.
  • Search and rescue procedures including man overboard, search for missing persons and helicopter operations.
  • Emergency medical equipment available on the vessel and first aid for common shipboard injuries.